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Section: New Results

Foundations of information hiding

Information hiding refers to the problem of protecting private information while performing certain tasks or interactions, and trying to avoid that an adversary can infer such information. This is one of the main areas of research in Comète; we are exploring several topics, described below.

Axioms for Information Leakage

Quantitative information flow aims to assess and control the leakage of sensitive information by computer systems. A key insight in this area is that no single leakage measure is appropriate in all operational scenarios; as a result, many leakage measures have been proposed, with many different properties. To clarify this complex situation, we studied in [17] information leakage axiomatically, showing important dependencies among different axioms. We also established a completeness result about the g-leakage family, showing that any leakage measure satisfying certain intuitively-reasonable properties can be expressed as a g-leakage.

Up-To Techniques for Generalized Bisimulation Metrics

Bisimulation metrics allow us to compute distances between the behaviors of probabilistic systems. In [18] we presented enhancements of the proof method based on bisimulation metrics, by extending the theory of up-to techniques to (pre)metrics on discrete probabilistic concurrent processes.

Up-to techniques have proved to be a powerful proof method for showing that two systems are bisimilar, since they make it possible to build (and thereby check) smaller relations in bisimulation proofs. We defined soundness conditions for up-to techniques on metrics, and studied compatibility properties that allow us to safely compose up-to techniques with each other. As an example, we derived the soundness of the up-to-bisimilarity-metric-and-context technique.

The study was carried out for a generalized version of the bisimulation metrics, in which the Kantorovich lifting is parametrized with respect to a distance function. The standard bisimulation metrics, as well as metrics aimed at capturing multiplicative properties such as differential privacy, are specific instances of this general definition.

Compositional methods for information-hiding

Systems concerned with information hiding often use randomization to obfuscate the link between the observables and the information to be protected. The degree of protection provided by a system can be expressed in terms of the probability of error associated with the inference of the secret information. In [12] we considered a probabilistic process calculus to specify such systems, and we studied how the operators affect the probability of error. In particular, we characterized constructs that have the property of not decreasing the degree of protection, and that can therefore be considered safe in the modular construction of these systems. As a case study, we applied these techniques to the Dining Cryptographers, and we derive a generalization of Chaum's strong anonymity result.

Differential Privacy Models for Location-Based Services

In [13], we considered the adaptation of differential privacy to the context of location-based services (LBSs), which personalize the information provided to a user based on his current position. Assuming that the LBS provider is queried with a perturbed version of the position of the user instead of his exact one, we relied on differential privacy to quantify the level of indistinguishability (i.e., privacy) provided by this perturbation with respect to the user's position. In this setting, the adaptation of differential privacy can lead to various models depending on the precise form of indistinguishability required. We discussed the set of properties that hold for these models in terms of privacy, utility and also implementation issues. More precisely, we first introduced and analyzed one of these models, the (D,eps)-location privacy, which is directly inspired from the standard differential privacy model. In this context, we described a general probabilistic model for obfuscation mechanisms for the locations whose output domain is the Euclidean space E2. In this model, we characterized the satisfiability conditions of (D,eps)-location privacy for a particular mechanism and also measured its utility with respect to an arbitrary loss function. Afterwards, we presented and analyzed symmetric mechanisms in which all locations are perturbed in a unified manner through a noise function, focusing in particular on circular noise functions. We proved that, under certain assumptions, the circular functions are rich enough to provide the same privacy and utility levels as other more complex (i.e., non-circular) noise functions, while being easier to implement. Finally, we extended our results to a generalized notion for location privacy, called `l-privacy' capturing both (D,eps)-location privacy and also the notion of geo-indistinguishability recently introduced by Andrès, Bordenabe, Chatzikokolakis and Palamidessi.

Practical Mechanisms for Location Privacy

The continuously increasing use of location-based services poses an important threat to the privacy of users. A natural defense is to employ an obfuscation mechanism, such as those providing geo-indistinguishability, a framework for obtaining formal privacy guarantees that has become popular in recent years.

Ideally, one would like to employ an optimal obfuscation mechanism, providing the best utility among those satisfying the required privacy level. In theory optimal mechanisms can be constructed via linear programming. In practice, however, this is only feasible for a radically small number of locations. As a consequence, all known applications of geo-indistinguishability simply use noise drawn from a planar Laplace distribution.

In [23] we studied methods for substantially improving the utility of location obfuscation, while having practical applicability as a central constraint. We provided such solutions for both infinite (continuous or discrete) as well as large but finite domains of locations, using a Bayesian remapping procedure as a key ingredient. We evaluated our techniques in two real world complete datasets, without any restriction on the evaluation area, and showed important utility improvements wrt the standard planar Laplace approach.

Preserving differential privacy under finite-precision semantics

The approximation introduced by finite-precision representation of continuous data can induce arbitrarily large information leaks even when the computation using exact semantics is secure. Such leakage can thus undermine design efforts aimed at protecting sensitive information. In [14] we focussed on differential privacy, an approach to privacy that emerged from the area of statistical databases and is now widely applied also in other domains. In this approach, privacy is protected by adding noise to the values correlated to the private data. The typical mechanisms used to achieve differential privacy have been proved correct in the ideal case in which computations are made using infinite-precision semantics. We analyzed the situation at the implementation level, where the semantics is necessarily limited by finite precision, i.e., the representation of real numbers and the operations on them are rounded according to some level of precision. We showed that in general there are violations of the differential privacy property, and we studied the conditions under which we can still guarantee a limited (but, arguably, acceptable) variant of the property, under only a minor degradation of the privacy level. Finally, we illustrated our results on two examples: the standard Laplacian mechanism commonly used in differential privacy, and a bivariate version of it recently introduced in the setting of privacy-aware geolocation.

Quantifying Leakage in the Presence of Unreliable Sources of Information

Belief and min-entropy leakage are two well-known approaches to quantify information flow in security systems. Both concepts stand as alternatives to the traditional approaches founded on Shannon entropy and mutual information , which were shown to provide inadequate security guarantees. In [16] we unified the two concepts in one model so as to cope with the frequent (potentially inaccurate, misleading or outdated) attackers' side information about individuals on social networks, online forums, blogs and other forms of online communication and information sharing. To this end we proposed a new metric based on min-entropy that takes into account the adversary's beliefs.

On the Compositionality of Quantitative Information Flow

In the min-entropy approach to quantitative information flow, the leakage is defined in terms of a minimization problem, which, in the case of large systems, can be computationally rather heavy. The same happens for the recently proposed generalization called g-vulnerability. In [25] we studied the case in which the channel associated to the system can be decomposed into simpler channels, which typically happens when the observables consist of several components. Our main contribution is the derivation of bounds on the g-leakage of the whole system in terms of the g-leakages of its components. We also considered the particular cases of min-entropy leakage and of parallel channels, generalizing and systematizing results from the literature. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our method and evaluate the precision of our bounds using examples.